up early to fly and y’all unmasked and coughing is not a good look. – #MaskUp #FloMaskPro #DoubleUp #JetSet #Blue #Fluevog #Orient

up early to fly and y’all unmasked and coughing is not a good look. – #MaskUp #FloMaskPro #DoubleUp #JetSet #Blue #Fluevog #Orient
we’re both in meetings but just listening. what else should we be doing? – #ValentinesDay #Multitasking #CanThisMarriageBeSaved
the final dram of scotch on the final friday. new year, new bottle? – #HNY #TheDalmore #CigarMalt #Cheers #AlohaFriday #EveryFriday #FriYay
didn’t post for a bit there ‘cause i got #covid can’t recommend it. – #FineNow #TenDays #Isolated #Paxlovid #StaySafe #MaskUp
the #XmasMace gives +5 to wintry cheer and festive saving throws – #DnD #WarOnXmas #YULE #Metal #AluminumTree
i was in #vegas for 2 nights, and still didn’t get enough #cheers in – #LAS #JetSet
aloha flight #suit because flying home friday. still #sittingpretty – #JetSet #LASSJC #Homeward #AlohaFriday #Friyay #
flight #Suit to #Vegas to party with my teammates. should be a fun time! – #WorkishTrip #JetSet #SittingPretty