a quick grill between / atmospheric rivers and / a porter besides. – #Cheers #CloseEnoughSummer #NotReally #LetsGrillAnyway #BeKindUnwind

a quick grill between / atmospheric rivers and / a porter besides. – #Cheers #CloseEnoughSummer #NotReally #LetsGrillAnyway #BeKindUnwind
noodles and noodling, / late night coffee and donut / before the time change. – #DaylightSaving #UkulelePlaying #WhereDoesTheTimeGo
rain bumming me out. / espresso and Hawaiian / shirt helping greatly – #AlohaFriday #Friyay #CoffeeCoffeeCoffee
#SanJosé rock stars / Julie and SJ Sharkie / for #art and #hockey! – #GoSharks #WomenOfTeal #TeamJulie
Last of Us replay / still hard but so rewarding. / i’m loving the show! – #TakeThatToTheBank
got some new color. been a while, social networks. how are y’all faring? – #HairDid #Blue
it’s time for flight to / Las Vegas. no #upgrades, but / it is a short flight. – #SJCLAS #JetSet #AWSreInvent #SittingPretty
guess who’s awake far / too early but with great hair / and #aloha shirt? – #ThisGuy #TimeIsAFlatCircle #OnTheJob #Training #Eastern #AlohaFriday #Friyay #HairDid #StillSmiling