commute buddies for twenty-twenty-five! taking CalTrain into work — #TrainSet #ChooChoo #Electrified #Actually #PublicTransit

commute buddies for twenty-twenty-five! taking CalTrain into work — #TrainSet #ChooChoo #Electrified #Actually #PublicTransit
twenty-twenty-four went out with a fine sendoff with good friends and #cheers — #HNY
Wicked was awesome! casting, costumes, choreo were all amazing — #Ozmopolitan
sour soup, i’ve missed your face-melting sauerkraut flavor i will taste for days — #Xmas #Tradition #Leftovers
the happiest of holiday seasons to you from us (and the cats) — #YULE
sunlit espresso the day after the solstice gets brighter from here — #Cheers #LongerDays
deep dish pizza and an excellent musical love some Chicago — #FiveSixSevenEight #MatchyMatchy #BlueLinePizza #WeBothReachedForTheGun
First #YULE with #TheGreys meant the #YuletideMace defends the #HolidayGate — #EarlGrey #LadyGrey #WarOnXmas