took a break from a / larger #crochet project. made / a little coffee – #SorryNotSorry

took a break from a / larger #crochet project. made / a little coffee – #SorryNotSorry
chemex and robot: / the caffeination station’s / open for business – #PartyDontStop #Pourover #Espresso #NoWaiting #Manual
late lunch with the fam. / had the #BestTime at #Wursthall / for Ryan’s birthday – #HappyHappyBirthdayBirthday #Maß
when a friend’s kid wants / a butterfly themed party, / i wear butterflies. – #AnyExcuseForAParty #MatchyMatchy
the Lady Julie / of House Lepidoptera / awaits thy tribute – #Monarch
coworker asked if / i do this every day. you / mean looking awesome? – #Yes #Especially #AlohaFriday
feeling great today. / how’s everyone’s holding up? / i’m feeling peachy. – #MatchyMatchy #Colorful #HappyFridayEve
would you have guessed that / a week ago i had my / gallbladder removed? – #AskAway #Cholecystectomy #FeelingPrettyGood #AreWeStillDoingBingoCards #MedicalScience