broiled broccoli with / catfish, a Dogfish Head beer, / and a happy wife. – #KissTheCook #Monday

broiled broccoli with / catfish, a Dogfish Head beer, / and a happy wife. – #KissTheCook #Monday
of course the longest / day of the year was also / the hottest. stay cool. – #SummerSolstice #FeelsLikeSummer
while some might call me / a #SweetGuy, please don’t mistake / me for a #sweets guy. – #Bitter #Espresso #DarkChocolate 💯 #DandelionChocolate #BuyLocal #SanFrancisco #MatchyMatchy
Happy #FathersDay / with coffee and tres leches / and drinks from Stamp Bar – #SanCarlos #CityOfGoodLiving #Dad
nothing productive / today: mixed up fitzgeralds / right after breakfast – #Cheers
julie thought y’all should / see the whole outfit. because / just look at those pants! – #Colorful #Plumage #MatchyMatchy
got color refreshed, / put on an #Aloha shirt: / it feels like Friday! – #AlohaFriday #Friyay #HairDid
they’re multiplying! / they’re colorful! best of all? / they’re adorable! – #Crochet #Amigurumi #Analog #CantStopWontStop