had to leave theater / because awful speakers but / #SingAlong’s still on – #WestSide #WestSideStory #HomeViewing

had to leave theater / because awful speakers but / #SingAlong’s still on – #WestSide #WestSideStory #HomeViewing
up in #SF for / #WestSideStory. i need a / snapping emoji – #GetCoolBoy #ThanosDidEverythingWrong
back in home time zone / wearing an #AlohaShirt / sipping espresso – #HappyFriday #Aloha #CoffeeCoffeeCoffee #EjectHandlePulled
first work time change of / #NewYear – #Central time this week. / diver to dressy – #Orient #SelfWinding #TimeIsAFlatCircle #OnTheJob #Training #2022
got down to empty / before taking some days off / for the holidays – #InboxZero #NiceList #AggressiveFiling
aluminum tree / is up, and the light’s spinning! / it’s #XmasEveEve – #Shiny #EverCloser #NearlyThere #WarOnXmas
can’t be serious / when the #XmasMace comes out. / it’s +10 to cheer – #DnD #AluminumTree #WarOnXmas
Zuul getting into / the spirit of the season. / big time #BahHumbug – #Meow #Caturday