there are much nicer / disposable masks, but i’ll / be sporting #duckface – #JetSet #BeSafe

there are much nicer / disposable masks, but i’ll / be sporting #duckface – #JetSet #BeSafe
if you ask nicely / your airport transfer may pose / for selfies with you – #JetSet #MissYouAlready #CanThisMarriageBeSaved
somebody’s happy / to be traveling for work / again. it’s go time! – #JetSet #BeSafe #BeVaccinated #Boosted #ModernaMob #SJCLAS #Eventually
laptop bag is packed / for a work trip! can’t forget / the essential tools. – #Ukulele #CalmBlueOcean #JetSet
Wow, is this thing on? I never blog on here anymore. However, after 4 years and 10 months I decided to switch it up and got a new job! However… it is and isn’t all that different. I’m even still … Continue reading
sazerac nightcap / in gratitude of friends and / family this year – #Cheers #GonnaMakeIt #Thanksgiven #ThankYou #InParticular #YesYou
our small but lovely / #Thanksgiving with Julie’s fam. / Happy Turkey Day! – #GobbleGobble
in seat for #Hairspray / midweek #musical downtown! / Broadway #SanJosé – #DTSJ #SupportTheArts