toms and jerrys for / julie and alan. warm drinks / from Haberdasher! – #Cheers #DTSJ #SanJosé

toms and jerrys for / julie and alan. warm drinks / from Haberdasher! – #Cheers #DTSJ #SanJosé
cooked up steak and kale / with some rosemary and an / old vine zinfandel – #SimpleDinnersAtHome #KissTheCook
new day, new role, more / espresso. will tell you all / about new thing soon – #ButFirstMoreCoffee #OnTheJob #Training #CoffeeCoffeeCoffee
back to #Pacific / time for a little while, so / i changed up the watch – #Orient #OpenHeart #Automatic #TimeIsAFlatCircle
vaxxed and in the seat / for Eternals. ready for / what the future holds. – #LetsGo #HappyFriday #GetVaccinated #ModernaMob
i got my #boosters / for covid, flu, and T-DAP / in the last two weeks!! – #ComeAtMeBro #GottaCatchEmAll #ModernaMob #Spikevax #ProVax
my cat was feeling / unusually talkative, / and i caught a pic – #ZuulZoom #Meow
changes a-coming! / still keeping my shirt. more soon. / in the meantime, #cheers! – #OnTheJob #Training #NewAndShiny #Tease