our power’s still out! / Julie led a meeting while i charged up the car. – #WorkFindsAWay #Rainstorm2021 #PowerOutage #TwentyFour

our power’s still out! / Julie led a meeting while i charged up the car. – #WorkFindsAWay #Rainstorm2021 #PowerOutage #TwentyFour
smoked salmon on sheet / of dried seaweed. soon we’ll have / to huddle for warmth. – #Rainstorm2021 #PowerOutage #CanThisMarriageBeSaved
bbq spot Sauced / has a beer and shot menu. / more places need this. – #ShotAndABrew #Double #Cheers #SanJosé
we both made it / to #TheRoomWhereItHappens! / Hamilton tonight! – #SanJosé #DTSJ
two cactus flowers / from Haberdasher before / seeing Hamilton! – #NotThrowingAwayMyShot #Cheers #SanJosé
i’m back to the grind— / i’m referring to how i / grind my beans by hand – #Coffee #Spong #pourover #1ZPresso #espresso #Manual
these two, still cozy / in the kelp forest #twenty / years and change later. – #Monterey #anniversary #venti #CanThisMarriageBeSaved
got a “taster” size / the same as our wedding cake / by same bakery! – #LayersSensationalCakes #Monterey #StillGoing #SoAreWe #twenty #venti #anniversary #cheers #GermanChocolate #Buttercream #Marzipan