not everyone does, but i appreciate a pun when i see one. – #JetSet #ORD #ExtraORDinary

not everyone does, but i appreciate a pun when i see one. – #JetSet #ORD #ExtraORDinary
the newer planes have pretty colors. tried my best to meet them in kind – #JetSet #737 #Colorful
my entertainment for the long leg of my trip. dancing in my seat! – #InTheHeights #JetSet #SEAORD
got through TSA with time for a cocktail from the Alaska lounge – #LoungeLife #JetSet #SEA #Eventually #ORD #Cheers
love these #Belltown haunts. hopefully they’re open when i’m back with more time. – #IYKYK #SEA #JetSet #Eventually #ORD
breakfast acquired and summarily demolished. time to catch a plane. – #Layover #SEA #Eventually #ORD #JetSet
forty-five minute wait gave me time for a walk and some sightseeing – #Belltown #SEA #JetSet #Eventually #ORD
flying predawn meant sleep is elusive but this view as we cleared clouds! – #GoodMorning #JetSet #ClearSkies