this seems familiar / and yet something feels different. / glitch in the matrix? – #WhatIsTheMatrix #JetSet #MileageRun #SJCSEA #Eventually #ORD

this seems familiar / and yet something feels different. / glitch in the matrix? – #WhatIsTheMatrix #JetSet #MileageRun #SJCSEA #Eventually #ORD
i’d like to thank all / who believed in me today. / also, the coffee. – #InboxZero #HappyMonday
my morning meeting / got cancelled. my cat asks why / i came back to bed – #Meow
in seat with my date / at Mountain Winery for / live music! it’s back! – #GetVaccinated #AimeeMann #RufusWainwright #Saratoga
averted a small / #work thing. back to #job at hand: grilling and swilling – #Cheers #Charcoal #ChimneyStarter #LaborDay #NoGlassByThePool #DayOff
boilermaker of / a peanut-butter stout and / an irish whiskey – #BelchingBeaver #Redbreast #Cheers #Sláinte #SaturdaySweets
baked two #LocalLoaves! / one of them has three jalapeños / diced inside of it – #SomeLikeItHot #Sourdough
In The Heights blu-ray / arrived! time to feed my soul / with much song and dance! – #Musicals #BennyAndNina