chocolate, airpods. / the espresso is there so / i don’t mix them up! – #CaseOfTheMondays #MoreLikeAPallet #CoffeeCoffeeCoffee

chocolate, airpods. / the espresso is there so / i don’t mix them up! – #CaseOfTheMondays #MoreLikeAPallet #CoffeeCoffeeCoffee
these aren’t hotter / than a good hot sauce and not / flavorful enough – #meh #xtremes #not
hot day, hot coffee, / hot almonds, bad AQI. / I am Smokin’ Hot. – #SorryNotSorry #Xtremes #SanJosé #Chromatic
productivity / on this #Friday afternoon / brought by Modelo. – #Cheers #Salud #Especial
julie and i got / the plaid shirt and jeans memo / this wednesday morning – #CanThisMarriageBeSaved #Twinsies
back in #Central time / starting tomorrow—or, as / I call it, today. – #OnTheJob #Training #vILT #TimeIsAFlatCircle
credit card outage / means we drink champagne at home. / the party don’t stop! – #Cheers #Bougie #TechnicallySparklingWhiteWine
whiskey-chocolate! / liking whiskey plus most things / makes pairing easy – #Cheers