Today, Blackberry (nee RIM) launched a new phone, and while I was pretty cynical about their buzz and hype, I noticed in my twitter feed that they’re partnering with Neil Gaiman who’s one of my favorite writers to make a … Continue reading
Category Archives: Distractions

Sunday Night Reading
My wife reading while our cat gets comfortable.

Edwardian Faire 2013
Had a fine time at the Edwardian Faire at the Regency Center in SF last weekend. took a few (i.e. not enough) pictures and generally looked awesome walking around among the goths, steampunks, pirates, ship captains, and really fancy individuals. … Continue reading
Lat Movie Review: Unknown
Liam Neeson is a badass. This is evident in a number of films but most notably in Taken. When the trailers for Unknown came out my first thought was that it is Taken 2! Not exactly the right sentiment but … Continue reading
Late Movie Review: The Adjustment Bureau
Julie and I took advantage of a rainy weekend to get some movie watching in. We caught up with Matt Damon and Emily Blunt for The Adjustment Bureau. I hadnt read the short story by Phillip K. Dick, but seeing … Continue reading
Late Movie Review: Battle Los Angeles
Saw this opening weekend but didnt sit down to write anything about it. Mostly becaue there isnt that much that isnt just on the surface in a pretty easily digested way. In short, its just what the trailers say which … Continue reading

Here Be Dragons
A couple weeks ago we went to The Crucible Revival 2011 benefit concert to raise money for the artist and educational space in Oakland. While there I was reminded of the reason I was so enthralled by The Crucible — … Continue reading
Triple-SF Weekend: Clue, Cake, and Tea!
Had a fun weekend that bled a little into the workweek which generally is good. We drove up to San Francisco a few times, and for the most part it was great. Let’s see what we got.