Made it through Friday’s workout. Sorta. I decided to change up the workout and add some more burpees. PHEW. That made it hard. I only did five intervals (10->14) and couldn’t do the fifth interval to 15. After each interval … Continue reading
Tag Archives: diary
Wednesday Sledging!
I woke up this morning and cooked breakfast then went out for work for most of the day then came back and exercised. I hope this will be the norm for me rather than the exception, and my numbers were … Continue reading
Monday Sledging!
Monday sledging is back. No more of this dropped workouts thing. I have to be on track and on target. Today was very good. Normal warmup and workout according to the HRM took 29:27, and I had an average of … Continue reading
Tuesday Sledging!
Got through another Tuesday. Didn’t work out this weekend, so another week of 2 workouts only. Kinda not so hot with that. Worked out to Muse’s “The Resistance” album, and it worked ok. HRM says I made it in a … Continue reading
Thursday Sledging!
Still on track. Good push today, and I did have coffee beforehand, but apparently it was decaf. I’ll have to run another test this weekend to see if that really affects the numbers. Normal warmup and workout. HRM says I … Continue reading
Tuesday Sledging!
Yep, I am back on track. Normal warmup and workout today. HRM says I finished in 31:45 which I’d normally think is a little slow, but it’s actually pretty good because my average was 146 and max was 162bpm. I … Continue reading
Saturday Sledging!
Three days this week. Kinda rough, but did it. HRM says I made it in a slowish 31:19 with average of 139 and max of 161. Could be a little faster on all counts, so I just have to keep … Continue reading
Thursday Sledging!
Was I supposed to be MWF this week? Whatever. Worked out today instead. Took a little longer than usual, and numbers reflect it, though I feel more tired. HRM says I finished in a slow 32:54 with an average of … Continue reading