Didn’t make Friday nor even Saturday last week but I hit it up yesterday. I did a set today, too. It’s probably not the best idea to do these sequentially without recovery time, but I’m going to take tomorrow off … Continue reading
Tag Archives: diary
Wednesday Sledging!
Made it through the second workout, though decidedly lower heartrate than normal. PB&J warmup plus kettlebell swings and normal 10-15 ascending set with 8lb and 10lb hammers and a 5-burpee set after every interval. HRM says 31:01 and an average … Continue reading
Monday Sledging!
Another Monday, another workout. I pushed it up a bit harder today, and I preloaded with caffeine, so I think that may have helped my mood and numbers. Normal PB&J workout plus kettlebell swings then normal 10-15 ascending set with … Continue reading
Saturday Sledging!
Three times this week. Just by the skin of my teeth. Numbers are eerily similar to yesterday’s set. In fact, I have the same average and max heart rates as yesterday (143 and 158 bpm) though almost a minute slower. … Continue reading
Uh.. Friday Sledging!
OK, so I missed a day because I was feeling extremely headachey on Wednesday and I just gave up for Thursday. Normal PB&J warmup with 25 20lb kettlebell swings. 10-15 ascending set alternating between 8 & 10lb hammers with 5-count … Continue reading
Mon… Tuesday Sledging!
Back from vacation and right back into routine. Normal PB&J warmup and workout. HRM says I finished in 30:20 with an average of 138 bpm and max of 152. Not the highest levels, but I’m still on track. I’ll do … Continue reading
Friday Sledging!
Made it! That’s four weeks of 3 workouts per week. Added 25 kettlebell swings with a 20lb weight — fun workout for hamstrings. PB&J warmup with normal 10-15 ascending set of 8 & 10lb hammers with 5-burpees after each interval. … Continue reading
Wed… Thursday Sledging!
Overtrained on Wednesday and crashed during the first interval so I hit it with some ice, some heat, some more ice, some more heat… and redid the set this afternoon. Normal PB&J warmup along with 25 kettlebell swings (fun!) to … Continue reading