Another week, another Monday workout. Normal PB&J workout, normal 10-15 ascending set alternating 8,10lbs along with a 5-count burpee set after every interval. Workout was fast comparatively at 28:50 and HRM says average was 138 with a max of 156. … Continue reading
Tag Archives: diary
Friday Sledging!
Made it through another week. Normal PB&J warmup to 155bpm then the 10-15 set with 8 & 10lb hammers with a 5-count burpee set after each interval. Still hard, but not as strenuous as Wednesday. I didn’t do a coffee … Continue reading
Wednesday Sledging!
Normal PB&J warmup to 161bpm, normal ascending set 10-15 alternating 8, 10lb hammers with 5-count burpee after each interval. Finished in 30:09 and HRM says average was 156bpm and max of 168. This run was phenomenal. I’m totally bushed, and … Continue reading
Monday Sledging
Another month, another week, another day of sledging. 30:12 minutes — pretty fast by comparison. Normal PB&J warmup, normal set 10-15 reps alternating 8, 10lb hammers with quick 5-count burpees after each interval. HRM says 147bpm average, 161 max. Right … Continue reading
Friday Sledging!
Wow. 3rd set this week and hardest so far. Not sure what I did differently, but numbers were better. Normal PB&J warmup: 3 one-minute planks (front, left, right), 15 burpees, 50 jumping jacks. Got my heart rate to about 155bpm. … Continue reading
Wednesday Sledging
Still on target for 3 times this week. Did the normal PB&J warmup with the ascending 10-15 set alternating between 8lb and 10lb hammers and with a 5-count burpee set after every interval for a total of 45 burpees (including … Continue reading
Monday Sledging
Back on track to three times a week. I duplicated the set Friday adding more burpees. Normal warmup with PB&J then normal ascending set 10-15 reps with 8lb and 10lb hammers but I added a 5-count of burpees after every … Continue reading
Fri… Saturday Sledging!
Made it. Three times this week. And I amped the difficulty up a little. I did the normal warmup of PB&J then did the normal set of 6 intervals ascending from 10-15 reps alternating between 8lb and 10lb hammers, but … Continue reading