Last sledging of the year, and despite feeling under the weather, I made it through. HRM tells me I finished in 31:18 with 146 bpm average and 163 max.
Tag Archives: fitness
Monday Sle… doh.
So goes the streak. I was sledging for 10 weeks in a row, then I got righteously sick with something flu-like on Sunday, so no heavy lifting today. I did the PB&J warmup twice (which gets my heartrate up to … Continue reading
Fri… Christmas Sledging!
Nothing like working up an appetite for Holiday food. Did the normal setup this morning. Numbers are kinda slower and lower: HRM says 31:39 for time, 133bpm average and 159 max. Not bad, but could be a little better. I … Continue reading
Wednesday Sledging!
Another day with the workout, but I worked a little slower, so my numbers weren’t as good today. HRM says I finished in 31:50, and average of 141 bpm and 161 max. Still mostly in the aerobic heartrate zone (zone … Continue reading
Monday Sledging!
My @$$ is back to being kicked again. Another week, another Monday, another round of sledging. I did the slightly modified set like last Friday, so I’m doing a PB&J warmup plus kettlebell swings with a 10-15 ascending set of … Continue reading
Friday Sledging!
Wow. I changed up the routine on the fly today. I decided to do an ascending set of burpees along with my ascending set of sledging. The warmup + workout now is: 25 kettebell swings with a 20lb weight 3 … Continue reading
Wednesday Sledging!
A very good midweek workout. Normal warmup and workout with HRM saying I finished in a very fast 28:18 with an average of 147bpm and a max of 165. Very good numbers on the face, but the max was at … Continue reading
Monday Sledging!
Monday, Monday. Normal warmup and workout, HRM says 30:54 time to finish and 140bpm average and 154 max. Not the best, but I gotta keep it up.