my wife got me these. / L-Sits, tuck planches, and lots / of ice tomorrow. – #parallelettes #IWorkOut Published via Pressgram

my wife got me these. / L-Sits, tuck planches, and lots / of ice tomorrow. – #parallelettes #IWorkOut Published via Pressgram
Major PEBCAK moment. I was debugging something and ran the drop database command against the wrong database… in fact I destroyed the blog database entirely. Luckily I had a backup, but unluckily it was from two days ago, so I … Continue reading
Jørgen And Cordelia’s Keen Photo Organization Thingy You may see the link on the right, or it’s right here. JACKPOT Julie and I went to Norway (yes NORWAY) to see our dear friends Jørgen and Cordelia get married. We stayed … Continue reading
Oh, I’ve done it again and completely ripped out and redid The new setup’s based on WordPress software. It’s really quite nice. You can set up your own blog at very simply. Of course, I went the hard … Continue reading