OK, did the full set again but this time I warmed up (with a double set of planks) and had zero break between intervals. I guess there is the amount of time it takes to change sledgehammers, but it’s effectively … Continue reading

OK, did the full set again but this time I warmed up (with a double set of planks) and had zero break between intervals. I guess there is the amount of time it takes to change sledgehammers, but it’s effectively … Continue reading
Did a quick set today; I’ve been feeling kinda down in the dumps after a bit of a flu last week, so I’ve been taking it easy and mostly doing only the planks and isometrics, but today I attempted a … Continue reading
After a great trip to Hawaii (that I still have not written up), and a couple weeks of lazy-living, I have finally gotten back on the exercise horse. Isometrics, sledging, walking, burpees, it’s all good. Yesterday I did about 15 … Continue reading