Well, day 15 came and went. I’d say I didn’t notice, but I definitely have. Overall I’d say I’m happy with the Whole30, but I’ll be even happier when it’s done.
Tag Archives: primal
Whole30 Challenge – Day 0
I’m going to do the Whole30 challenge from Whole9Life.com My goal is to get under 150 pounds (more on that later) and track everything via MyFitnessPal – friend me! I want to eat strictly paleo for the rest of January. … Continue reading
Primal Update
I’ve stopped losing weight; I haven’t significantly lost weight in maybe 3 months, but my waistline’s a bit smaller. Small enough that I needed to buy new pants 🙂 Maybe now I’m having more of a fat->muscle transition? I don’t … Continue reading

Open Sorcery: Primal Pizza Pictures!
Pizza is one of those things on the Primal/Paleo/Best-Diet-For-Me-Ever list that I miss. A nice crusty piece with just a little bit of that charred cheese flavor with lots of extra sauce makes me hungry. I am not usually into … Continue reading

A Week of Meals at Home
Five days, five primal dinners, five tweets, five dinner pictures. Julie and I set up the plan on Sunday and we knocked it all out over the week. Homecooking is so good.
Open Sorcery: I’ll take the physical challenge
This month I’m going to participate in The Primal Challenge which is put on by the website marksdailyapple.com. It’s a month long challenge to live “Primally” in the method set up by the site’s founder Mark Sisson.