The key word is tired. The days are running together very well. I have a good flow to and from the conference and i’m eating and am hungry at the right time, but I am just tired.

The key word is tired. The days are running together very well. I have a good flow to and from the conference and i’m eating and am hungry at the right time, but I am just tired.
The work begins. I put in almost 12 hours of computer wrangling on Saturday to get the environment up and running for the conference. Sunday was spent in dry runs of the studies, so it’s almost at the point I … Continue reading
Not too much to report, mostly because I was in a plane for most of the day. I did learn a few things, and I had two beers. Not a bad start.
OK, it’s not quite Day 0. It’s more like Morning 0. EARLY morning 0. See, I like to hit the ground running when I travel. That means that tonight… I don’t sleep.
We spent Thursday through Sunday immersed in the video game Mecca that is the Penny Arcade Expo. We had a fine time last year, and this year didn’t disappoint either.
Julie and I joined our friends Claire and Ted on a trip down to Los Angeles via San Luis Obispo last weekend Saturday to Tuesday. Last time I talked about the food, now everything else. Also… Pictures!
Julie and I joined our friends Ted and Claire on a trip down to Los Angeles via San Luis Obispo this last weekend Saturday to Tuesday. I decided to split our recent vacation trip report in a few parts for … Continue reading
Since we were to fly out a day early (Sunday) we had to make the most of our Saturday, and since we’d gotten a very good overview of how this worked, we set about playing as many games as possible.